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Creative Commons Salon

Creative Commons Presents

Creative Commons, the great little content licensing scheme that makes it possible for Geek Entertainment TV to be interesting, is kicking off a monthly salon here in San Francisco this Wednesday. I’ve been tapped to present GETV and our CC connection. I will focus on how fun and easy it is to find CC licensed content to spice up the geek video interviews I edit. Also presenting are Josh Kinberg, majordomo of the iTunes killer FireAnt, and Wagner James Au of Second Life. Full details.

1337 Mission Street (Yahoo! Maps, Google Maps)
San Francisco, California

Please join us for the first CC Salon, taking place in San Francisco on Wednesday, March 8 from 6pm-9pm at Shine. CC Salon is a casual get-together focused on conversation and community-building. It’s open to anyone interested in art, technology, education, and copyright. We look forward to seeing you there!

CC Salon – San Francisco
Wednesday, March 8
Shine (http://shinesf.com/)
1337 Mission Street (between 9th and 10th), San Francisco

Featuring presentations by:
Josh Kinberg; FireAnt (http://fireant.tv/)
Eddie Codel; Geek Entertainment TV (http://geekentertainment.tv/)
Wagner James Au; Second Life (http://secondlife.com/)

And music by:
Minus Kelvin; ccMixter (http://ccmixter.org/)

Relevant Sluts

Slut-o-meterPitted against heavyweights like Annalee, Pesco, PT and Antonio, it’s no surprise that I come out looking like an unmolested Sunday School kid. For sanity check, I had to measure against a few people I know something about. My conclusion, the slut-o-meter needs a bit of fine tuning. Or friends are damn good at keeping band camp stories at band camp, if you know what I mean.

Ryan Junell, the monkey from Texas: 7.06%
Irina with 11.11% and her name is Slutsky dammit!
Jackson West at 5.56% Dude, get picked up at the bar and write about it. Or something.
Even Irene‘s purist facade is barely penetrable with a 10.06%
Scott Beale reverses the slut-time-continuum with -9.84%. Yes, that’s a negative!
Even Justin Hall only pulls in a 6.42% and we all know he’s got stories.
Ted Rheingold: 4.55% You’ve got animals to look after, I understand.
and wife Molly pulls not even a point at 0.98%. She most certainly is the PR Diva.

I’ve got your shirt, Violet. Just tell me a size. I have in baby doll and men’s, though not in black. Will you still wear?

House of Cosbys

House of Cosbys
I would have never have known about this hilarious parody of the world of Cosby if it hadn’t been for Bill Cosby’s lawyers’ heavy handed attempt at killing it. You know the story: Small time artist makes parody of pop culture icon. Parody gets posted to the Internet. No one really notices for months and months, until parody author or host gets nastygram from big time lawyer of pop culture icon. Parody author or host stand their ground and gets tons of media attention. The whole world now sees parody that big time lawyers tried to kill. I *heart* the Internet.

Self-Facilitating Media Node

Nathan Barley
Or how I got the blog drop on Scott Beale. Marc turned me onto Nathan Barley yesterday, a brilliant British commentary/parody of the commodity cool culture of the dot-com era, UK style. Genius writing, I can see why it only lasted a season in a country that drops everything for Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire. It would have lasted even less here. Barley is a self-described self-facilitating media node who wears dual bluetooth headsets while directing his growing self-referential media empire under the sparkle of the discoball and celebrity spotlight.

This BBC article from 2001, reporting on the British dot-com backlash (yes, it’s total twilight zone!), describes the early Barley:

“Nathan Barley rides a tiny metal scooter along the pavement in the direction of an overpriced ‘gastro-pub’ in order to attend a meeting with a group of worthless toffee-nosed sh**s intent on setting up an internet radio station with an elaborate Shockwave interface, eternally doomed to be of interest to absolutely no-one other than themselves.”

It might hit home a little, which is partially why it’s funny as fuck and worth a snort in the BitTorrent-o-sphere. You can find the first season, 6 episodes, which only aired in the UK last year. While waiting for the download to finish, follow Barley’s Wikipedia roots. The subversion runs deep.

Stop. Bloggertime.

U Can’t Touch This
Originally uploaded by niso.

Yes, it’s true. The MCness himself is keeping it real with a blog. Hammer is hurtin’ ’em with stories, audio clips and pix of eating nice fat breakfasts with his son. It’s the story behind the Hammer, straight from the man who had the best pants in all of 80’s rap. Seems as Hammer got some geek cred. He’s made the rounds out here at Google and YouTube, posts pix from a Sidekick, links to Wikipedia entries, has a Feedburner feed and a gmail address. He’s fairly prolific too, dropping lots of content each day and the comments are adding up.

Eddie.com turns 10!

Eddie.com Experience

February 23, 1996 will live in infamy. Yes friends, that is the date I registered eddie.com. This domain, eddie.com, has been in my possession for 10 YEARS! Dude, that’s like almost before the Internet was invented. Seriously, I didn’t think I’d live long enough to have had a domain for that long. Wow. As a fitting tribute, here’s my own personal wayback machine of the way things looked in 1999.


Video from GETV Turns 1000

The GETV turns 1000 party the other night was beyond control. Familiar faces filled the bubble along with a cadre of the newly minted internet famous. The Chuck Barris of Flash, producer Rick Abruzzo brought to life a round of not your father’s Jeopardy and two rounds of $25 Pyramid Scheme. Nina Rawkstah, Irene McGee and master of the House of Shields, Schlomo Rabinowitz faces off in Jeopardy. Schlomo took it home by knowing his moo milk from his man milk. Round one of the Pyramid had Eric Rice and our own Irina Slutsky representing for Team Egomaniac going up against David Sifry and Caterina Fake of Team Tagtastic. Round two had Ted Rheingold and Jason Schupp teamed up as the Filthy Pirates pitted against whom, I completely forgot. That ended in a draw, so no Cancun for these warriors. See for yourself. WARNING: Caterina is too cute prying open Goat.cx.

GETV Turns 1000 on Thursday 2/16

GETV @ Photoboof Come celebrate Geek Entertainment TV‘s launching of our 1000th subscriber. Yes, that’s right. Barely 3 months old and GETV is getting close to the coveted 1000 spot on someone’s long tail. In monetized eyeball buzzwordology, that worth $25! As many drinks as that would buy, we’re not quite ready to sell out. Yet. In other words, no open bar, no free t-shirts, not even a free lick of the toilet mint. What you will get is an excuse to rub elbows with the newly internet famous and maybe even become internet famous yourself for a brief megabit. See the future now.

In the upstairs: $25 Pyramid Scheme | Geek Edition. The version Dick Clark never wanted you to see. From the creators of SF’s sorta favorite bad game show, This Is Jeopardy comes a new endeavor. Bigger Laughs! Zestier Questions! Dumber Contestants! Smaller Prizes! Killer Whales! Comparative Adjective Plural Noun! Come be a contestant!

Confirmed Internet Famous contestants include Ted Rheingold of Dogster/Catster, Caterina Fake of Flickr, Eric Rice of ericrice.com, Irene McGee of NoOne’sListening and Irina Slutsky from some video blog. Game begins at 9pm sharp.

You’ve never heard of Geek Entertainment TV, you say? You’ve been living in a virtual cave? The GETV media empire is inflating faster than bubble 2.0. See it in action before it pops.

Thursday night at the House of Shields, ground zero for all important Snark 2.0 events. Doors @ 8pm / Game @ 9pm.

More details:

Camping with Mooses

Originally uploaded by Laughing Squid.

Vancouver is a rad, beautiful town. The mountains beckon, but only from a distance this time. Moose Camp is day 1 of the great white north blogger geek-o-thon. Did some GETV interviews with the talented Sarah Pullman guest corresponding. This shot is Sarah interviewing Chris Pirillo and Ponzi of Gnomedex fame. Scott Beale always quick on the 5D.

A few self-promotional bits today: Le Monde 2 has an interview with Ryan and I about Webzine and the future of the Internet or whatever, like we know anything. No online version. If you’re in France, please pick up a copy for us. Also, Webzine 2005 named dropped in Annalee’s Techsploitation this week. Lastly, Xeni’s BoingBoing piece on Marc’s Dorkbot food hacking presentation features my grinning mug. It was that tasty!