New Year’s Hello

Happy New Year fans of the Eddie! I had an awesome New Year’s week, I was in beautiful Kauai. It was a bit rainy but hella beautiful. I went with my dear friend Audra who knows Hawaii like mice know cheese. We camped out for 4 days on various beaches, tried to hike the Kalalau trail (hella muddy and wet), explored waterfalls, Waimea Canyon and did some diving. We got to play with turtles. Very friendly creatures those leatherbacks! Pix later when I get less lazy.

Btw, read this book. It’s spot on. Amazing that Kansas could be a populist hotbed 100 years ago, but it was. Now it’s a conservative bellweather, home to tons o’ churches and Wal-Marts. Thomas Frank is an amazing eloquent author, also wrote One Market Under God.

Absente in Richmond

absente-btl2.JPGI’m chilling in Richmond, VA at the Mars Bar with me pal Carlton. We just had some of this stuff which is kind of psuedo-Absinthe. It really doesn’t have wormwood cause that’s been banned in the good ol’ can’t-have-too-much-fun USA since 1915. Instead it has something called Southern Wormwood, a less bitter “cousin” of the original trippy shit. They call it Absinthe Refined, which is marketing speak for “the look, the color and maybe the taste but not the real shit” absinthe. Still, the idea of the Absinthe meme being injected into a Virginia bar with wifi, billiards and 80’s music is pretty satisfying right now.

Merry Christmas

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Feline Rewind

You are looking at Little Nicky, a cloned kitten. Yes, this cute little bugger has the same genetic makeup of another cute little bugger that looks the same but is long gone. For a mere $50,000, Genetic Savings & Clone (for serious), will xerox your little furball into a new life. GS&C is already working on perfecting dogs, which is a bit more of a challenge apparently. Where there is a market, there is science! Or should that be the other way around?

PayPal Not Making Me Merry

PayPal is sucking my left one right now. I’ve been back and forth between them and my credit card company trying to dispute a stupid $15 “cash advance” fee for a payment I made to my roommate. Apparently, if you send money and choose “quasi-cash”, PayPal tags it as a cash advance and most credit cards hit you up for a fee for that. Lame on many fronts, but primarily because NO CASH EVER TRADED HANDS. PayPal blames the credit card companies, my credit card company blames PayPal. Who winds up paying? Me in money and time holding on the fucking phone forever. So don’t ever choose quasi-cash, you’ll get dinged and you won’t even know it unless you take a close look at your statement. I also had my credit card company turn off my ability to do cash advances. If I wanted to use my credit card as an ATM card, I would have just used my ATM card.

Love Sweet Love

I’m in so sweet love with this Morcheeba track right now, Love Sweet Love. I have a button on my mixer that lets me sample a sound and play it back. I caught that really sweet funked out riff perfectly and put it on repeat. For like 20 minutes.

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Matt Gonzalez – One Year Later

It’s been just over a year since the runoff mayoral election last year in which Matt Gonzalez almost pulled one off against the machine. I can still recall vividly, the Dems scared at the prospect of losing a major city election to a Green, calling on Bill Clinton AND Al Gore to swoop in and stump for Gavin Newsom. Newsom did win, though mostly due to early absentee voters as Matt rocked the city at the polls on election day. The Progressive Voter Project was born as an answer to the absentee problem.

Two books have been published centering around the Gonzalez campaign. The Political Edge, from City Lights Press, is a collection of essays covering different points of view from volunteers of the campaign, local journalists and long-time activists. I’m interviewed by David Rosen for his piece, “130 Parties in 30 Days:” The Matt Gonzalez Mayoral Campaign & the Restructuring of the Culture Industry. He explores the idea that the culture of the campaign is what brought people together. Matt’s cultural identity is something that resonated with many of us thus driving his unprecedented support manifested in the form of spontaneious house parties, raffles, poetry readings, art auctions, rock shows, and yoga benefits to name a few.

The other book is called Go, Matt, Go edited by Nicole Walter. It’s also a collection of essays, blurbs, poetry, manifestos and interviews from many more volunteers of the campaign. Self published and editorially raw, it’s a good window into feeling of those short couple of months. I have a short essay that describes my experiences and emotions of the campaign. Both books are well worth picking up.

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Gone Green

whiteleaf.gifThat’s it. I’ve gone Green. The Democratic Party has failed me something fierce. Their strategy was to go against Bush playing his own game, trying to position Kerry as a slightly “gentler and more thoughtful” version of Bush. Kerry agrees with the war in Iraq, but he would have “executed it differently”. Kerry voted for and believes in the Patriot Act but would “tweak it” a little. Guess what? A watered down version of Bush is not that appealing to either the left or the right! The Democratic Party has let the Republicans walk all over them this election and they can’t blame Nader for it this time. But they are blaming. Diane Feinstein is blaming Gavin Newsom for the Republican attack on gays. This is classic broken Democratic Party thinking at work. Find someone else to blame, don’t look inward and take responsibility for your own failings. That’s EXACTLY the game the right wing idealogues play! Democrats are supposed to be the ones standing up for civil rights, social justice, peace, equality and a living wage.

That has changed, it is now the Green Party espousing these values along with corporate accountability, electoral reform and environmental sustainability. It’s going to take a third party to “remind” the Democrats what their principles are. History has shown that when one of the major parties strays too far from their principles, it takes a third party eating their base to bring them back to reality. Either way, going Green can only mean good things. Either the Greens grown in strength and continue to win more local and state offices or the Democrats finally wake up and co-opt the values they have strayed from. The outcome is good for anyone who cares about democracy and equal representation for all.

If you live in California, here’s a link to change your voter registration online. I recommend it.

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Bloc Up the Vote!

From the League of Pissed Off Voters…

Local Hip-hop/Punk Voter Blocs Launch Today in 90+ Cities To Swing Elections Up and Down the Ballot

You’ve seen Eminem’s video.
Now watch us make it REAL
As we unite and swing elections from Tallahassee to Toledo

Hip-hop + Punk Political Power Goes to the Next Level 115+ Local voter guides launch today on covering more than 90 cities in 31 states. Members of The League of Pissed Off Voters researched local candidates across the country and endorsed those who best represent our interests. NO ONE HAS EVER DONE THIS BEFORE. Get your local voter guide on Print it. Take it to the polls. And sign up for the VOTER BLOC. Then email blast to everyone you know. Th! e more people we get to use the guides and join the BLOCs, the more elections we win. Then we can prove our numbers as a hip-hop + punk voting bloc that can hold politicians accountable after November 2.

This is how we WIN elections up and down the ballot– and PROVE we did it!!


Make sure everyone you know brings a Voter Slate to the polls –Tuesday!!!

UnAmerican ?

My friend Ian Rhett put this song together a while ago. Back in July, he was invited out to the DNC in Boston to play this in front of Democratic leaders and delegates. He’s trying to get a million people to see the video by November 2nd. He’s halfway there. It’s a very moving piece, quite a departure from the attack politics of the election. Watch it and spread the meme.