
Let the media whoring begin

With Webzine fast approaching, I find myself doing a bit of media and public pimping to get the word out. Last week, I pimped Webzine at Dorkbot. I’m not much into public speaking but after a couple of beers and seeing friendly faces in the audience, it went pretty smoothly. Last Thursday, I was on Chris Pirillo’s streaming radio and podcast show, reliving the past and projecting the future of Webzine. This Tuesday, I’ll be on a panel called “Vlogging, and Blogging and Podcasts, Oh My!” that’s happening from 5-8pm at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (701 Mission Street @ 3rd in SF). It’s FREE if you want to come check it out, you just have to RSVP by sending an email to news@davidperry.com. With all that behind me, I’ve still got an event to produce.

A view from New Orleans

Driving through New Orleans
Originally uploaded by ioerror.

My friend Jake went down to New Orleans to try and help get some computers and Internet working for people in need. Working computers with Internet means being able to get in touch with loved ones, register to find family members and getting news on what the hell is going on, or not going on, and getting supplies. Along the way, he was able to cruise around NOLA and document the devastation, death and hope that springs from trauma. Jake recently called into to the Chris Pirillo Show, giving a pretty amazing account of his experiences. Have a listen, it’s powerful shit.


It’s grows and grows

Webzine 2005Man, what a week. Lots o’ late nights burning the Webzine oil. Ryan and I tag teamed on getting the new site up. The design is beaut, that’s Matt’s doing. Love the Xmas web theme. The shedule is mostly locked down. We’ve got panels out the ass both days and a titload of workshops to boot. I’m producing the Podcasting and Kicking’s the Man’s Ass panels. BoingBoing, Metblogs and MAKE have all hooked us up some serious ad eyeball exposure, much do to Scott’s invaluable help. Just less than a month to go and things are looking pretty damn good right now. With a planning list of 30+ people, the inspiration and motivation just grows. Things to do: work out venue space layout, lock in fat outgoing bandwidth, get a wiki going to organize the Master’s Lounge, work out food, get insurance, push #webzine on irc.freenode.net, inventory our hardware/tech needs, outreach to non-techies to attend & learn, get more sponsors, and somehow find time to pack for the playa.

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Simnuke: 60 Years After Trinity

Simnuke VideoI hit the desert with MGL and Ted this weekend for the experience that was Simnuke. Simnuke is the culmination of megatons of hard work by conscious fire artists who created a 1/10,000 scale of the infamous Trinity first nuclear test exactly 60 years ago. The simulation was created by the use of large fans fed with 400 gallons of pressurized biodiesel, going up in less than 30 seconds. Simnuke is meant as a reminder of the horror of nuclear weapons, something that many of us don’t really think about anymore in this post-Cold War world, myself included. Considering that the Bush administration spends more on nukes now than we did on average during the Cold War and that we are minting new would-be terrorists daily with western actions in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine it is a super important reality to keep in mind. This video is a little something I shot and edited capturing the explosive beauty of what the Simnuke Project was able to illuminate. Length: 01:27 [3MB Quicktime7] [10MB Quicktime MPEG4]

Podcast: Mission Freakshow #1

Mission Freakshow #1OK, so I decided to try and record something with some friends and call it a podcast (that’s what the little headphone dude graphic means). First one ever, comes in at 20 minutes. It’s Stefana, Darcy and I talking about some experiences we had this week. Just kinda freeform stylie. Let me know if you like. Stuff we talk about: Hello!, Fourth of July blurr, Treasure Island, dinner, anarchists & riot cops, flag burning, Darcy’s shirt, muffins, wet dreams, Andrea’s baby, whirrled peas, Utah time, frenulum. Check it: Mission Freakshow #1

Assassin vs Dolly Llama

Assassin vs Dolly Llama

I’m no vlogger, but it’s fun to play around with video. Here’s a little something (7MB QT, 56 secs) I caught over the weekend while camping out in Santa Cruz. It’s wild down there, I tell ya.

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Operation Save-a-Life

I met Pam Pam around the old Progressive Nerve Center sometime last year while she was working for Dennis Kucinich’s presidential campaign. She’s an amazing human being that brings SF Peacemakers to life. She and friends and neighbors take back the corner of Sunnydale and Hahn every Friday night. It’s the most notorious block in San Francisco where frequent but little known stories of dead black men are made. Pam Pam brings a moment of peace to where much violence and blood have flowed. This 60 minute video (144MB QT) is Pam Pam’s story of what goes on down there. Get ready, it’s damn powerful. Btw, I didn’t create this video. This is a rip of a DVD that Pam Pam asked me to make available on the ‘net. I just ripped it and uploaded it to the Internet Archive.

Major Ripoff

Major Ripoff

So, so lame. News from Dischord Records:

Many people have now noticed that Nike has appropriated the Minor Threat artwork and logo for a new skateboard demo / ad campaign. To set the record straight — Nike never contacted Dischord to obtain permission to use this imagery, nor was any permission granted. Simply put, Nike stole it and we’re not happy about it. We are not yet sure what options, if any, we have to stop Nike from using our images to sell their shoes, but if you would like to direct your complaints to Nike that would be a good place to start.

Come on Nike. With an army of marketing drones and a limitless advertising budget at your disposal, all you could come up with is a blatant ripoff of DC’s seminal punk rock band’s art? Ironically, this whole thing should bring more attention to how lame Nike is and hopefully educate a few people on the meaning of corporate co-optation of culture. Conact Nike or give them a call at 1-800-344-6453 and share your thoughts on the matter.

According the Urban Environment

Hammering out the Accords at World Environment Day
I got to do something pretty cool over the weekend. My friend Julian hooked me up with an opportunity to be a volunteer facilitator during UN World Environment Day, which really is like 5 days. My job was to sit down at a table of mayors and delegates from all around the world and be a notetaker while they hashed out the wording on 3 specific Accords within a category that most interested them. The table I sat down at was Urban Design and was occupied with Mayor Jason West of New Paltz, New York, Mayor J. Ssebaana Kizito of Kampala, Uganda, Sustainabilty Officer Fred Blood of Austin, Texas (pictured above from right to left) and a fourth guy whose name I didn’t catch. He was from the mayor’s staff of some new city outside of Seattle which I also didn’t catch, though it does begin within a ‘B’ an no, it’s not Bellevue. These are the Accords that our table worked on:

Action 7 Adopt a policy that mandates a green building rating system standard that applies to all new municipal buildings.

Action 8 Adopt urban planning principles and practices that advance higher density, mixed use, walkable, bikeable and disabled-accessible neighborhoods which coordinate land use and transportation with open space systems for recreation and ecological reconstruction.

Action 9 Adopt a policy or implement a program that creates environmentally beneficial jobs in slums and/or low-income neighborhoods.

Our table was pretty much satisified with items 8 and 9, but item 7 needed a little work. Jason West wanted to see green building technologies mandated in municipal building design, not just a standard that a builder could easily choose to ignore. The good mayor from Uganda wondered why we had to limit this to only municipal buldings. Why not all new buildings, he asked? West was all for it. The Austin guy was trying to be a bit of diplomat about it, stating that it wouldn’t fly in Texas. He ultimately agreed to go with the stronger wording knowing that these Accords are only has binding as cities want them to be. Item 7 became this:

Create a regionally appropriate green building standard which mandates the use of green building technologies on all new construction.

Everyone in the room regrouped for a final group sharing moment. A mic was passed around and any mayor or delegate could offer a last word or thought. A whirlwind of accents surrounded the room, from India, Sweden, Peru, Brazil, Nigeria, Uganda, Japan, Cambodia and even somewhere in the deep south. Only one mayor used a translator.

The next day, everyone gathered under the rotunda of City Hall with their golden pens and signed the Accords. The idea is for each city to pick 3 Accords a year to implement with the goal of implementing all 21 by the end of 7 years. The cities with the most Accords implemented will receive gold stars and the thanks from humanity for preserving it. Another great first step in the survival of the human species.