SRL is 25

Tonight, there is an event at The Lab celebrating SRL‘s 25th year of freaking people out with mechanized mayhem for the fuck of it. I remember 1999 like it was tomorrow. Tokyo was an amazing experience I’ll never forget. 17 days of setup, working like 16-18 hours a day, all for a show that lasted not even an hour. Fuck, it was all worth it! That was the year we had machines hooked up to wifi and controlled them over the Internet in real-time (minus a few seconds). V.Vale & RE/Search is hosting this, Matt Gonzalez is gonna say nice things about radical SF art and Mark Pauline will tell funny stories about things you’re really not supposed to do. Karen, Eric Paulos & I get to be mini-interviewed about SRL hi-tech weirdness. There will be tons of amazingly blown up photos of SRL shows over the years. Come check out the mayhem! The Lab @ 7pm. 16th & Mission, SF.


  1. Nick Hritz says:

    Wish I could make it! Hope you’re doing well. C is going through a tough time, same ‘ol things.

  2. I remember that 2×4 launching machine — a large block V-8 drives the whole thing. I think I watched the tokyo video tape at Mark Pauline’s place and saw it demolish a wall. Remember watching SRL under the freeway @ 3rd and Harrison from on top of our roof?

  3. Eddie Fisher says:

    I think that you guys are so stupid

  4. Nick Hritz says:

    Wish I could make it! Hope you’re doing well. C is going through a tough time, same ‘ol things.

  5. I remember that 2×4 launching machine — a large block V-8 drives the whole thing. I think I watched the tokyo video tape at Mark Pauline’s place and saw it demolish a wall. Remember watching SRL under the freeway @ 3rd and Harrison from on top of our roof?

  6. Eddie Fisher says:

    I think that you guys are so stupid

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