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Groove is in the Heart of the Internet

I was asked by my fine friends at digg to shoot this wee little project for them. It’s in response to a lip dub that Revision3 had brought. Yeah, the lip dub meme is a bit old in Internet time, but it’s a great team building exercise and shows what you can do when you get a bunch of silly people in room together. Mark Trammell masterminded and organized the thing, and most all of the digg staff participated. This was easily one of the more fun video projects I’ve done in awhile.

Digg Dubb: Groove Is In The Heart from Trammell on Vimeo.

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Checking out Bocas del Toro, Panama

I’m in Panama, you know the country, checking out a friend’s property that he may turn into a coworking getaway. It’s pretty dope, situated amongst the tropical lazy islands of Bocas del Toro in the northwestern part of the country close to the Costa Rican border. It’s as beautiful a spot as you’d expect in the tropics and very peaceful, not overrun with tourists. Here’s a quick video I threw together of getting there:

And I’ve been taking tons of photos. Feel free to peruse the set on Flickr.

The way a real organic lemon should look


Congrats to Bebo!

The news that Bebo has acquired AOL for $850 million is amazing news! Smaller, newer and more nimble companies acquiring old slow dinosaurs is really the only way to go. Just think how less evil Microsoft would be if Netscape acquired it? I predict Digg buys out the NY Times in the next year. Congrats to Bebo’s founders, Michael and Xochi Birch, a couple of very cool cats who followed their passion to their inevitable conclusion. One of the last LunchMeet shows I did while at PodTech was with Michael and Xochi.

Lessig for Congress in 08?

This would an amazing feat if he can pull it off. Lessig has the earnestness, credibility and slideshow skills to compete. Whether he runs or not, the Change Congress pledge is a hugely important and powerful idea. Taking money out of politics is no small task. He has my support.

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Epic Win in SF

Irina and I went down and covered the Anonymous protests of Scientology in San Francisco. This was only one of dozens or hundreds held simultaneously around the world on Feb. 10th. Not much mainstream media coverage which is fine because our coverage rules, obviously.


The Wonderful World of Chiptunes

I’m glad I popped by Mighty the other night for the MICROMUSICSF chiptunes party. Seriously, what a treat for the ears of this 80’s video game geek! Chiptune is music created from sound chips found in vintage video game consoles (Nintendo NES, Gameboy), computers (Atari 400/800, C64) and consumer electronics. Chiptune artists modify these devices to create their own music synthesized from these chips. A sampling of these artists who played the party are TRASH80, NULLSLEEP and STARPAUSE. Micromusic.net is also a great resource for chiptune music, videos and events.

There’s a full length documentary on the chiptunes scene called BLIP FESTIVAL: REFORMAT THE PLANET, it’s premering at SXSW this year. You know where I’ll be. Here’s the trailer:

BLIP FESTIVAL: REFORMAT THE PLANET trailer from 2 Player Productions on Vimeo.


A Cheap Date with Veronica Belmont

The second video I did with pal Veronica for Mahalo Daily is up today. It’s on everyone’s favorite subject, cheap dates. I was lucky enough to be Veronica’s cheap date and run around town to places like the SF Giants ball park, the wine bar (cheap if you sip slowly!) and Alamo Square park for a picnic and some hawt geocache action. Yes, that’s me playing the voice of a dork named Bobbie who V rejects flatly like a square of toilet paper stuck to her shoe. 🙁 I know, keep my day job.