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Elektrischer Reporter

I’ve had a bunch of fun watching what the producers of German hyper new media & TV show Elektrischer Reporter have done with the footage I’ve shot for them. It’s all in German so I can only guess as to commentary with their copious English references to Twitter, Creative Commons and backgrounds of retro animated mainframes w/reel-to-reels. Lots of fun clips sourced from the Internet Archive help visually create a nice retro future tech mood. My german speaking friends say it’s really well put together and informative in kind of a hip NPR kind of way.

In this segment on nerd culture, you can see Doctor Popular laying on the nerd thickly with his classic yo-yo moves and some speak-n-spell jamming, all while dubbed in German. Yes, that is the Hat Factory where I shot these frames of Doc.

Elektrischer Reporter – Nerds: Weltretter mit Hornbrillen?

I shot an interview with Pandora founder Tim Westergren for this segment:

Elektrischer Reporter – Vorschlagsysteme: Mit den besten Empfehlungen

For this one, I was hired to shoot an interview with EFF‘s Danny O’Brien at their San Francisco offices:

Elektrischer Reporter – Urheber 2.0: Jeder Nutzer ein Pirat?

I’m guessing this segment is about mobile communities, since those words are in English and there’s plenty of shots of mobile devices, location based services and maps. I shot the interview with Tony Jebara of Citysense at Etech in San Jose.

Elektrischer Reporter – Mobile Communities: Unterwegs und unter Freunden


Flickr fuck yeah!

Falling Water

Originally uploaded by Urban Tiki.

It’s rare that I come across a site or tool that just sucks me in. Now is one of those rare times. Flickr has the right mix of visual voyeur curiosity and show-and-tell community that it’s got me clocking up the hours. I discovered flickr a year ago when it first launched, but it was a different animal then. You know you’ve come along way when Yahoo and Google buyout rumors spread like wildfire. I’d love to see Flickr buyout Yahoo. Yeah, I think they’re ready.

Oh, why is Flickr so cool you ask? It gives you the tools to upload, archive, organize, annotate and share your pictures with your friends and soon-to-be friends in a way no other site or tool has before. Awesome, easy to use viral features with a social networking core that encourages community and sharing. Also it’s really encouraged me to take my camera with me and snap pix of pretty much every god damn thing. Check out my Flickr and leave some comments!