Relevant Sluts

Slut-o-meterPitted against heavyweights like Annalee, Pesco, PT and Antonio, it’s no surprise that I come out looking like an unmolested Sunday School kid. For sanity check, I had to measure against a few people I know something about. My conclusion, the slut-o-meter needs a bit of fine tuning. Or friends are damn good at keeping band camp stories at band camp, if you know what I mean.

Ryan Junell, the monkey from Texas: 7.06%
Irina with 11.11% and her name is Slutsky dammit!
Jackson West at 5.56% Dude, get picked up at the bar and write about it. Or something.
Even Irene‘s purist facade is barely penetrable with a 10.06%
Scott Beale reverses the slut-time-continuum with -9.84%. Yes, that’s a negative!
Even Justin Hall only pulls in a 6.42% and we all know he’s got stories.
Ted Rheingold: 4.55% You’ve got animals to look after, I understand.
and wife Molly pulls not even a point at 0.98%. She most certainly is the PR Diva.

I’ve got your shirt, Violet. Just tell me a size. I have in baby doll and men’s, though not in black. Will you still wear?