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Let’s Play: D&D in US Prisons

I was asked by documentary filmmaker and producer Elisabeth de Kleer if I would be willing to help create a Kickstarter video for her upcoming documentary film on inmates who play Dungeon and Dragons in the American prison system. Being a bit of a D&D nerd myself, this was an easy call. The Let’s Play:…

I was asked by documentary filmmaker and producer Elisabeth de Kleer if I would be willing to help create a Kickstarter video for her upcoming documentary film on inmates who play Dungeon and Dragons in the American prison system. Being a bit of a D&D nerd myself, this was an easy call. The Let’s Play: Dungeons & Dragons Behind Bars project went live today.

Her documentary will tell the story of how inmates and ex-cons are using role playing games to survive inside prison and how these games are used as tools to prepare for life on the outside. In the US, where the notion of rehabilitation is a joke, role playing games offer a very real way for inmates to find focus, meaning and community in their lives which goes a long way to reducing recidivism. Breaking the cycle of reoffending is a goal that benefits everyone. If you feel the same, please consider backing this worthwhile project.